Mindfulness Website

Mindfulness WebsiteRecently I build a new website for a customer called Quantum Flow. It is a website about the Mindfulness trainings he gives. My task was to transfer the current website into a CMS driven website. I chose Joomla for the CMS since I know that well, but it was the first time I used version 2.5. For the design I had to use clouds and the colors and logo were delivered to me as well. I did how ever introduce the transparency in the design. I thought that openness would fit the subject of the website very well. I also redid the logo to make it look for professional. At first it was just a plain text font, now I think it interacts very well with the rest of the theme. I also did a little HTML5/Jquery animation for the text on the first page. Nothing very complicated but I think it does add a bit of drama since it comes on last and it invites you to read it. You can have a look at the website on this URL: http://www.mindfulness.in

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